Structure for storing colors based on RGBa values.


  • Define a new color from RGBa values.


    • red: number

      Red channel intensity [0, 255]

    • green: number

      Green channel intensity [0, 255]

    • blue: number

      Blue channel intensity [0, 255]

    • alpha: number = 100

      Alpha channel transparency [0, 100]

    Returns Color

    const red = new Color(255, 0, 0);


alpha: number = 100

Alpha channel transparency [0, 100]

blue: number

Blue channel intensity [0, 255]

green: number

Green channel intensity [0, 255]

red: number

Red channel intensity [0, 255]


  • Return the most contrasting color for text on a background of this color.

    Returns Color

    Black or white

    const contrast = red.getContrastingColor();
    // Returns the color white (255, 255, 255)
  • Return a string representation of this color.

    Returns string

    A valid CSS color code

    const css = red.toString(); // rgba(255,0,0,100%)
  • Create a new color given a hexadecimal string. Will throw an error if the string is invalid.

    • Expects 2 bits [0-F] for red, green, blue channels (6 chars total)
    • String can optionally start with the character '#'
    • Alpha channel can be included for an additional 2 bits (8 chars total)


    • hex: string

      Hexadecimal string

    Returns Color

    A new color defined by the hexadecimal string

    const red = Color.from('#ff0000');