This version is functionally identical to the previous, but is published as a test of the updated workflow, with a cleaned up package.json file
Update typescript dependency version to 5.7.2
Publish with provenance
Update dependency versions
Update typescript dependency version to 5.5.4
Rebuild package and documentation in monorepo style
Replace testing framework dependency
Update dependency versions
Update donation URL
Minor readme template updates
Update dependency versions
Update build scripts
Update dependency versions
Minor documentation update for F
Use global TypeDoc configuration file
Compile and build documentation simultaneously
Remove dependency on typescript (TypeDoc will take care of this)
Remove declaration types for test on build output
Output tsc version on npm test
Update dependency versions
Minor documentation update for F
Use normal distribution for parameter mutation instead of uniform distribution
Add additional test cases
Update dependency versions
Update unit test script
Update multivariant example
Update smath dependency
Install exray dependency
Write unit tests using exray framework
Update build script to run unit tests automatically
Update Summary.f type to only accept 1 parameter
Fix bug where type declarations were not generated or packaged with the npm package
Update smath dependency
Relative "Home" link does not work well. Changing to absolute link.
Update contact details.
Automate how examples are written into main readme file
Write examples as JavaScript modules
Stricter requirements on example file names
Will not republish documentation if there was an error publishing to npm
Add additional instructions for running examples
Combine build and types scripts
"Home" link is now a relative link
Update dependency versions
Fix broken link in readme
maxDeviation is now a normalized input
Update single variable example to reflect this
Update summary variable name for average absolute error
Update Summary definition
Add more keywords to package.json
Update examples for new Summary schema
Bump smath dependency to 1.1.8
Add link to YouTube in readme
Fix postpack script
Fix unknown highlighting for typedoc
Remove several interface types
Deviation/mutation is now relative
Remove MathJax HTML tag from npm readme
Major updates to readme
Remove config, replace with fit() parameters
Include examples from readme in repo
Update typedoc (0.25.12) and typescript (5.4.2) dev dependency versions
Use readme template (adds new badges, guidelines, and more)
Add LaTeX (MathJax) equations in readme file
Remove bug tracker (automatically populated by repository field)
Bump up smath dependency to 1.1.2
Clean up package.json
Add bug tracker
Update contact information
T extends VariableType (without this, we can assign any type to T)
Change compiler library to es2015
Minor readme fixes
Do not require all configuration options for fit()
Add full program examples on readme
Finish building out readme homepage
Update variable and type names to be more descriptive
Minor tsdoc updates
Start working on main readme
Rename CurveFit.ts to lib.ts
Remove class, export functions directly
Add Parameters helper type
Change Point to Datum
Add plenty of examples
Use SMath in more places to clean up code
Update code base to use a genetic-style algorithm that randomly mutates the set of function parameters
Support both single and multi-variable curve fitting
Add several helpful type definitions
Set up basic single-variable curve-fitting algorithm using a "search range" method. This method is not ideal because it is extremely prone to getting stuck in local minima and has a difficult time zeroing in on the true best fit.