Add round2() function to round to the nearest multiple of an arbitrary base
Add fraction functions rat() to decompose ratios and mixed() to decompose mixed numbers
Update dependency versions
Remove rseq() support
Update functions in npx binary
Add example on finding a tangent line
Update how examples are written and update instructions
Add more clarifying naviation instructions, link to contributing, and call for user feedback on homepage
Add shuffle function to shuffle and array of arbitrary elements
Add tests and example for shuffling a deck of cards
Deprecate rseq in favor of shuffle (has all capabilities and more, can shuffle a linspace if need to replicate the functionality of rseq)
This version is functionally identical to the previous, but is published as a test of the updated workflow, with a cleaned up package.json file
Publish with provenance
Update dependency versions
Add rseq to generate a random sequence of integers
Update typescript dependency version to 5.7.2
Update typescript dependency version to 5.5.4
Rebuild package and documentation in monorepo style
Replace testing framework dependency
Update exray dependency version to 1.1.1
Minor readme template updates
Update donation URL
Update dependency versions
Update build scripts
Use global TypeDoc configuration file
Compile and build documentation simultaneously
Remove dependency on typescript (TypeDoc will take care of this)
Remove declaration types for test on build output
Output tsc version on npm test
Fix an extremely rare case in rint() where it could generate a value 1 below the minimum value, if the random number generated by Math.random() is exactly zero and the input range is negative. Realistically, this would never happen, the odds of this are about one in 2^53, or one in 9 quadrillion. You would need to generate one million numbers every second consistently for 285 years for a chance to see this happen once.
Update dependency versions
Exclude private and protected members from documentation output
Convert SMath from an abstract class to a namespace
Update exray version to 1.0.3
Add additional keywords
Add random number generation functions: runif(), rint(), rnorm(), and rdist()
Update dependency versions
Add additional keywords
Fix major bug in median()
Add factors() function to compute a list of prime factors of any number
Add lim(), differentiate(), and integrate()
Write tests for standard deviation code
Rename n to data for statistics functions
Add median() function to API and npx command
Add stdevp() and stdevs()
Minor fixes in tsdoc
Fix bug in npx where it would crash with 0 arguments
Warn for missing arguments in npx
Change spread syntax parameters to a single array parameter
Update exray dependency version
Update tsdoc examples
Fix bug in factorial()
Write tests for new functions
Add all missing functions to npx
Add error() function
Update exray dependency version
Add documentation on npx smath executables
Restructure test files and scripts
Run unit tests before every compilation
Run tests using the exray testing framework
Relative "Home" link does not work well. Changing to absolute link.
Update contact details.
Automate how examples are written into main readme file
Write examples as JavaScript modules
Stricter requirements on example file names
Will not republish documentation if there was an error publishing to npm
Add additional instructions for running examples
Combine build and types scripts
"Home" link is now a relative link
Update dependency versions
Fix internal file structure when published to npm (remove extra src/)
Update typescript dependency to 5.4.3
Install xpt exception testing framework 0.2.0
Consolidate build and types into one script
Simplify build command, arguments in tsconfig.json
Update paths for bin, main, and files
Add test/ directory with all tests using xpt framework
Update test script to automatically build and run all tests
Add npx scripts. Run npx smath to learn more!
Add more package examples in readme
Add package example sources in repository
Update internal packing scripts
Update typedoc (0.25.12) and typescript (5.4.2) dev dependency versions
Add avg function
Add linspace and logspace functions
Update documentation on getting started
Add template readme in npm package
Add link to changelog at the top of the readme
Use readme template (adds new badges, guidelines, and more)
Remove bug tracker (automatically populated by repository field)
Clean up package.json
Add bug tracker
Update contact information
Remove dev script
Update example in README
Remove isNumber, prefer builtin isFinite()
Remove round, prefer builtin toFixed()
Move all functions to SMath class
Move class to index file
Add rounding function
isNumber cannot be +/- infinity
Fix normalization bug when min = max
Fix minor documentation in SMath
Update typedoc version
Show package version in documentation
Disable links to GitHub and hide generator
Make classes abstract
Add short package documentation
Add examples in documentation
Add installation instructions and example in README